Frequently Asked Questions


What charities have you donated to?

Sealo Limited has donated to charities such as: 

The Marine Mammals Center

Marine Mammals of Maine

Seal Rescue Ireland

Marine Mammal Stranding Center 

And more!

Where can I learn more about these charities?

Check out our Take Action! page and click on one of the donation links there. It should take you to that charity's website. A quick Google search will also do; all of the charities we have or plan to donate to have a website where you can learn more.

How do you decide who to donate to?

Sealo Limited takes great care in selecting the charities it donates to. We believe in supporting organizations whose values and mission match our own and who regularly post evidence of the meaningful work they do. Additionally, we prefer donating to smaller rescues that need additional assistance!


Are you partnered with the charities on your page?

Besides receiving permission to place the charity's logo on our page we have no agreements or partnerships with any charities on our Take Action! page. We just want to help bring attention to the amazing work they do, protecting marine mammals and our oceans for generations to come.

Do these petitions actually do anything?

Signing a petition is a powerful tool to make a difference. When you sign a petition, it lets politicians know that their constituents care about a specific issue. Additionally, the organization behind the petition can use the signatures as evidence when they advocate for their cause. But it doesn't stop there. Sharing the petition helps spread awareness and educates others about the issue at hand. And if a petition gathers a substantial number of signatures, it can even make the news, directing public attention to a cause they may not normally think about! 

Are you paid to advertise any charities or petitions?

No! Sealo Limited has never and will never accept money to advertise a petition or charity. All of the charities and petitions on our website are ones we decided were deserving solely based on their merits.